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Brain-Based Leadership


By the Master Consultants at FutureSYNC International
Be careful and be on CONSCIOUSLY COMPETENT ALERT in regard to the “ELASTICITY of your TRUTHS and BELIEFS”.
Recent advances in NeuroScience have led us to an intriguing understanding of how our brains actually develop, learn, and function.   Depending on which neurons get stimulated, certain connections become stronger and more efficient, while others become weaker.  This is called NEUROPLASTICITY.
Simply put, whatever you are doing right now, you are PHYSICALLY modifying your brain to become better at it.  Basically, the chemicals in your brain will hard-wire in new truths and beliefs based on the power of PLEASURE or PAIN.  
The brain is continuously receiving input from the outside world as well as the senses within our own bodies. NeuroScience is continuing to uncover that how we choose to perceive the world, what we choose to think about, and how we choose to interact will quite literally hard-wire our brains in both productive and counter-productive ways. This has long-term consequences in regard to our Leadership Intelligence and our ability to think critically, make good decisions. and effectively manage the  relationships around us. 
This “Brain-Based Leadership” Blog intends to examine the hard-wiring of unproductive and sometimes destructive behaviors based on the brain chemical known as dopamine.  In the brain, dopamine functions as a neurotransmitter—a chemical released by neurons (nerve cells) to send signals to other nerve cells. The brain includes several distinct dopamine pathways, one of which plays a major role in the motivational component of reward-motivated behavior.
Leaders, we can literally fall in love with our own thoughts, and/or, the thoughts, inputs, and behaviors of others.  To understand this, we first must understand the term “Infatuation”. When you’re in infatuated, the chemicals in your brain are in overdrive.  Your brain is physiologically soaking in the “hot tub of pleasure chemistry”.   As a result, your critical thinking skills gradually decline in both effectiveness and vigor due to under utilization or neglect. The result, you have atrophied your critical thinking skills.
Self-awareness, intense clarity, and self-authored thinking are indeed the rare and precious gems of leadership.  To learn more about Brain-Based Leadership, contact FutureSync International’s Master Catalyst Coaches at